See you all at the next edition !

The 2024 Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties is the thirteenth edition of a series of Swiss Workshops organized by MaNEP, formerly the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties and now a Network at the Swiss level.
The meeting will bring together researchers working in Switzerland in the field of Materials with Novel Electronic Properties. The workshop is to act as a forum promoting research and applications in this area.
SWM 2024 will include the following topics:
The meeting will bring together researchers working in Switzerland in the field of Materials with Novel Electronic Properties. The workshop is to act as a forum promoting research and applications in this area.
SWM 2024 will include the following topics:
- Applications
- Material growth
- Out of equilibrium physics
- Oxide interfaces
- Quantum magnetism
- Quantum materials 2D/3D
- Superconductivity
Invited speakers
Martin Eckstein (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Chang-Beom Eom (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Berit Goodge (Max Planck Institute, Dresden, Germany)
Zurab Guguchia (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
Elena Hassinger (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Bharat Jalan (University of Minnesota, USA)
Meng Wang (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)
Matteo Mitrano (Harvard University, USA)
Franck Peauger (CERN, Switzerland)
Mathias Scheurer (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Leslie Schoop (Princeton University, USA)
Libor Smejkal (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany)
Hiroki Ueda (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
Xiaodong Xu (University of Washington, USA)
Apply before Mon, June 15, 2020
Program overview
Click on the speaker name to display the abstract.
Poster session - Information
The format of the poster is A0 portrait or landscape (1189mmx841mm).
In order to gather in advance the posters for the 1’ oral poster presentation, please send to by Tuesday August 13th, 2024 your poster, in PDF format, A4 size landscape, on maximum 1 page, mentioning the number of your poster.
You will find the number of your poster below.
Poster session 1 - Wednesday August 14th (18:00 - 20:30)
Poster session 2 - Thursday August 15th (18:15 - 20:30)
Workshop location
The workshop will be held at the Congress-Center at Les Diablerets, in the Canton of Vaud. The participants will be lodged at the Eurotel Victoria and in nearby hotels. The Eurotel Victoria and the Congress-Center are about 10 minutes walk from the train station "Les Diablerets".
Eurotel Victoria
Chemin du Vernex, 3
CH-1865 Les Diablerets
Phone: +41 24 492 3721
Fax: +41 24 492 2371

Reaching Les Diablerets
Les Diablerets can be reached conveniently by car or by train. If you come by car, take the highway to Aigle and then follow signs to Les Diablerets. If you come by train, change train in Aigle and take the mountain train Aigle - Le Sépey - Les Diablerets. The Eurotel Victoria and the Congress-Center are about 10 minutes walk from the train station "Les Diablerets".
From Zurich and Geneva airports there are train connections to Les Diablerets. Check the Swiss Railway SBB-CFF-FFS website for time departures.
Program committee
Christian Bernhard (UNI-Fribourg) Chair
Mitaly Banerjee (EPFL-Lausanne)
Andrea Caviglia (UNI-Genève)
Johan Chang (UNI-Zürich)
Thierry Giamarchi (UNI-Genève)
Steve Johnson (ETH-Zürich)
Andreas Läuchli (PSI)
Marisa Medarde (PSI)
Titus Neupert (UNI-Zürich)
Christian Rüegg (PSI)
Carmine Senatore (UNI-Genève)
Manfred Sigrist (ETH-Zürich)
Fabian von Rohr (UNI-Genève)
Philipp Werner (UNI-Fribourg)
Organization committee
Ivan Maggio-Aprile Chair
Adriana Bonito Aleman
Pierre Bouillot
Gregory Manfrini
Jean-Claude Schnuriger
Natacha Triscone
Contact information
MaNEP Switzerland Network
24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet
CH – 1211 Geneva 4
Phone: +41 (0)22 379 30 64